Saheefa Jabbar under fire for criticising house help’s use of charity money

Saheefa Jabbar under fire for criticising house help’s use of charity money
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WEBDESK (Azaad English): Famous Pakistani model and actor Saheefa Jabbar Khattak is facing harsh criticism for the statements she made regarding her househelp named Musarrat. She criticised Musarrat for using Rs50,000 charity funds to purchase Eid clothing for herself and a bicycle for her children. Saheefa deemed the money spent on clothes and bicycle by Musarrat unnecessary because she should have handled those acquisitions herself.

Saheefa Jabbar Khattak mentioned in her Instagram post that she became upset after witnessing his efforts to support people lead them to spend the money unwisely. Without Musarrat’s approval Saheefa shared the details of her hard living conditions which included the state of her roof and bathroom which she later deleted.

Social media users expressed extensive negative feedback about Saheefa’s remarks because they found them both insensitive and controlling. People asserted that real assistance would let Musarrat decide how to use her money.

Saheefa chose to defend her behavior by responding to the comments rather than present an apology. She mentioned every present she provided to Musarrat starting from chocolates to toys to clothes throughout the years. She declared through her comments that all her possessions stem from her generous gifts.

People’s anger intensified when Saheefa announced “I consider Musarrat my sister so I will continue to beat my sister senseless whenever she wastes money.” People viewed this statement as offensive because Saheefa attempted to interfere with Musarrat’s independent choices instead of providing support.

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