Hiba Bukhari discloses reason for not sharing daughter’s pictures

Hiba Bukhari discloses reason for not sharing daughter's pictures
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WEBDESK (Azaad English): The famous actors Hiba Bukhari and Arez Ahmed are currently hiding their little daughter Aynur from public view.

During an interview hosted by Faysal Quraishi the married couple shared their explanation regarding their decision to raise Aynur in private.

Hiba Bukhari Daughter:

Hiba and Arez carefully selected their daughter’s name ‘Aynur’ which has a meaning of moonlight. The name represents a significant meaning to them since they dedicated a lot of consideration when selecting it.

According to Hiba she personally chose not to share photos of her daughter on social media. Hiba explained to Faysal Quraishi in her television interview that she wanted to introduce her daughter to her fans though she believed her daughter was too young for the public spotlight. The singer promised her followers that she would introduce Aynur properly after the girl reaches maturity.

The superstar pair conducted their wedding celebrations privately in January 2022 at a small private event.

Every fan was delighted when the couple announced their baby daughter’s birth in December because they shared their news on Instagram through a touching post.

Hiba and Arez maintain their child out of the public eye as they focus on providing her with a private normal childhood experience.

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